HMO Investing Wendy Whittaker-Large  

How do you REALLY feel about setting goals?

I have to say I have to admit that I am very MEH about goal setting. I know I shouldn’t say it, and I know I need to do it – I just feel very MEH about it. (Is that a proper word? I think you get the gist even if it’s not in the dictionary yet).

I know it is important and that’s why I have an accountability buddy who I talk to each week about my goals. We discuss which ones we met and completed, which ones are in progress and which ones have stalled. It is very useful and gives me a massive kick up the bum each week!

However, I believe that PROCESS is more valuable than PRODUCT because I find that following the process actually achieves far more long term. This is because when we focus on doing the RIGHT things over and over again, it creates habits, patterns and thinking that translates into language, action and behaviour.

And ultimately that leads to you being in the right place at the right time in the most unpredictable way!

Often I have met people with money, or deals, or knowledge that I needed. Yet I wasn’t actively looking for them. I didn’t have it expressly identified on my goal sheet as ‘MEET SOMEONE RICH’. Instead my goals were : ‘ATTEND ONE PROPERTY NETWORKING EVENT’ PER MONTH’ and ‘SEND OUT REGULAR EMAILS TO MY DATABASE’. The goals were actions and processes that, when done regularly will create more momentum and growth than simply having goals that I can tick off a sheet.

So goals, in my mind, need to be more about your habits and activity than your outcomes.

With that in mind, you might find the following list of questions about goal setting very useful. So, whatever your view and experience of setting goals – remember, make them meaningful and process oriented. That way, you will find that magically, you will create a life of your dreams.


1. Which goal(s) do I think about the most?

2. Which goal(s) would give me the most energy if I could commit to it now?

3. What accomplishments would make me feel the most proud of myself?

4. Which accomplishments can I take with me forever, and/or which accomplishments would seem the most permanent to me? Is this important to me?

5. In ten years from now, how important will the goal be to me?

6. Which goals are in line with my true values?

7. Which goals are fully within my control, and not too dependent on other people or circumstances?

8. Is this goal an external ‘should’ or an internal desire?

9. What do I have a sense of urgency to get on with right away?

10. If I could take action in spite of my fear, what might I want for myself right now?

11. Which goals give me a heavy or lethargic sensation when I think about them, and which goals give me a positive “rush” of endorphins when I think of them?

12. Which goals and their required efforts best fit into the “flow” or pace of my life? Which fit best within my current life context and/or circumstances?

To your growth!
